- kept (保持した)
- as (〜として)
- favourite (お気に入り)
- thought (考えた) トォト
- took (取った)
- slow (遅い)
- said (言った)
- beaches (ビーチ)
- funny (面白い)
- everybody (みんな)
- behind (後ろに)
- losing (失う)
- mind (心)
- drew (描いた)
- wasting (無駄にする)
- miss me (私を恋しく思う)
- lie (嘘)
- wanna (〜したい)
- think (考える)
- still (まだ)
- ideal (理想的な)
- heard (聞いた)
- moved on (前に進んだ)
- babe (ベイビー)
- real (本当の)
- you’ve (あなたは)
- got (得た)
- how you feel (あなたの気持ち)
- Patrick Bateman (パトリック・ベイトマン)
- put blame on (責任を押し付ける)
- anyone (誰でも)
- kinds (種類)
- ghosts (幽霊)
- basement (地下室)
- useful (役に立つ)
- then (それから)
- leave (去る)
- me at all (全く私を)
- don’t want me to fall for anyone (誰にも恋したくない)
- you’ll go with anyone (誰とでも行く)
- when all is said and done (結局のところ)
- exes (元恋人)
- found me so beware (私を見つけたので注意して)
- maybe you should be scared (怖がるべきかも)
- who has two phones? (誰が二つの電話を持っているの?)